4 Injuries That Can Cause Chronic Ankle Pain

While ankle pain can have a wide range of causes — from arthritis to gout — it often arises due to injury. This is important to know, because understanding the root causes of chronic pain can help you find appropriate treatment.
Here at Arizona Foot and Ankle Medical Center in Mesa, Laveen, and Chandler, Arizona, our team begins treating ankle pain by uncovering how the issue began. And often, we find that the cause is due to an injury.
In this blog, we discuss four injuries that commonly cause chronic ankle pain.
1. Sprains and strains
Your foot and ankle contain more than 100 ligaments and more than 30 muscles, all working together to keep you mobile. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much for something to go awry. One misstep can put too much pressure on certain components in your ankle, which can lead to a sprain. Or, too much activity can strain an ankle, which can leave you limping.
The good news is most sprains and strains heal on their own with ample rest. But, if your ankle pain sticks around, it’s time to get evaluated by our team. If a sprain or strain leaves you with chronic discomfort, this likely means something isn’t healing the way it should, so you should get treatment right away.
2. Achilles tendon problems
Your body’s biggest tendon — the Achilles — connects your heel to your calf. If it gets inflamed, this can result in pain and swelling. This is called Achilles tendonitis.
The Achilles can also rupture. This usually occurs because of a sudden movement during exercise, sports, or an accident.
Whatever caused your Achilles to have problems, the condition could leave you with lasting ankle pain and require treatment.
3. Fractures
No surprise here: Fractured bones in your ankle will likely cause persistent ankle pain. If you suffer a fracture, you need to get treated right away. Even a minor fracture could lead to a lifetime of problems if it’s not cared for properly.
If your ankle hurts and you’re not sure if it’s a fracture, get seen anyway. Your provider will be able to evaluate your ankle and design an appropriate treatment plan.
4. Bursitis
Bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs that reside around your joints — including your ankle joints — and they provide cushioning. Overuse of the ankle can lead to inflammation in your bursae.
The resulting condition is called bursitis, and the main symptoms are usually pain and swelling. Rest can often relieve bursitis symptoms, but sometimes this condition needs professional treatment to fully relieve the inflammation.
Treating the injury and relieving the pain
When you come see our team at Arizona Foot and Ankle Medical Center, we first evaluate your ankle, discuss your symptoms, and perform any necessary tests. Once we reach a diagnosis, we develop a treatment plan.
If your condition isn’t too serious, we might recommend using the RICE method, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. We also might recommend getting corticosteroid injections. And, in some cases, we might recommend physical therapy.
If the condition is more severe, we might recommend amniotic stem-cell therapy to help boost healing in the ankle. And, in certain cases, we might recommend minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery to repair the ligaments, tendons, and other damaged parts of the ankle.
If you have ankle pain that just won’t go away, our team can help you get well. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Arizona Foot and Ankle Medical Center today.
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